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Do You Remember the Woman Who Married The Holy Spirit? See What She Did When She Got Home To Her Husband


Elizabeth Nalem's husband Joshua Nalem is still puzzled by his wife's behaviour.

The mother of six vanished after she married the ‘Holy Spirit’ in a strange church ceremony in West Pokot county.

On Tuesday, Elizabeth Nalem who is 41 years old returned to her matrimonial home accompanied by her bridesmaid.

She, however, refused to sleep at home after her husband asked her bridesmaid to leave.

Elizabeth then went missing for five days immediately after the bizarre wedding but reappeared at her matrimonial home.

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“My wife was upset that I did not allow her best maid to spend the night at our home. She left to go look for her,”Nalem said.

Nalem Maintained they have been living happily and had not engaged in any quarrel that could have forced his wife to change her mind about their marriage.

“I do not know what is disturbing my wife. We are married and already have six children together. I fully paid her bride price of 22 cows,”he said.

Nalem said his wife's decision to marry the "Holy Spirit" has deeply affected him since she left him to take care of their children alone.

“I allowed her to go to church since I am not a church goer. But when I noticed her weird prayer pattern, I questioned her and that upset her and she left our home. She was not seen for five days,"he said.

Nalem was left speechless when he saw his wife dressed in a white gown at Makutano town ready to get married for a second time but to the holyspirit.

Addressing the press, Elizabeth said God had sent her to preach the gospel of christ and thats the reason she closed her hotel business so that it could not interfere with her new assignment.

Elizabeth Nalem claims that the Holy Spirit promised her a chopper to help her in spreading the word of God throughout the world.

Elizabeth said she had been directed to start her work at Amudat in Uganda but was later asked to go back home first before assuming her new duties.

Elizabeth assured her husband and children that she had not abandoned them but requested them to allow her do the will of God.

Neighbours tried to persuade her not to abandon her family but it was all in vain.

“We are not opposed to the call you received but If you want to be respected and people to listen to the message you have been sent to deliver please take care of your family first,”a neighbour pleaded.

Dickson Kamarikech, another neighbour, said they are disturbed by Elizabeth's story becauseit was strange to them that a person would get married to the Holy Spirit.

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“We have consulted our aged elders who have maintained that such things have never happened in this community,"he said.

Kamarikech added that it was against Pokot culture for a person to get married to something that they don’t see.

After the wedding the Elizabeth was spotted at Ng’otut area, Kasei ward in North Pokot subcounty along the Kenyan-Ugandan border accompanied by her bridesmaid.

The incident has left many people in the area dumbfounded as to why the married woman made the decision of leaving her husband to allegedly wed the Holy Spirit.

Pastor Albert Rumaita of the Anglican Church Makutanothat tied the knot said he had no option but to do what the woman requested him to do.

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