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TOO BAD! Religion Is One Of Africa's Biggest Problem, See How This Pastor Was Raped By Muslims As Punishment For Preaching, You Will Be Moved To Tears


It is no news that Africa is a religious nation, but no one would imagine that it would get to the point of people killing themselves or doing horrible things just because of religion. ‘

One of the most horrible cases of Christian, Muslim fight is that of a 50-year-old Ugandan Pastor raped because she tried converting Muslims to Christians in the country. 

The Pastor was returning to her home from Christian preparations at her church site at about 7 p.m. when someone near the swamps of Lake Kalyango asked her for help.

“When I stopped, I was surprised to see people coming from the bush, and one of them shouted in the Arabic language, ‘Allah is greater – we have warned you several times to stop converting Muslims to Christianity. Today we shall teach you a lesson that you will not forget,” she revealed.


She mentioned that one of the attackers pulled out a handkerchief and covered her mouth. She said she lost consciousness, and when she regained consciousness three hours later, she saw a motorcycle headlamp and shouted for help.

She continued saying;

“To my surprise, I realized that he was a son of my sister who was coming back home for Christmas. He saw blood on my torn skirt. He could not stop tears rolling from his cheeks, crying and shouting for help, and he took me to a nearby clinic for medical treatment at Kasasira I hope these Muslim rapists have not infected me with deadly diseases. I forgive them.”

She mentioned that 2 months earlier, a Muslim neighbour had complained to her, warning her to stop preaching her home.

“I am warning you not to come to our home. My children are now singing some Christian songs. I know soon they will come to your church. We as Muslims have no relations with infidels,” Pastor revealed

A member of her church talked about the effect it had on her saying;

“Sometimes she is quiet for about one hour. Her doctor said she needs a trauma counsellor; she is having severe headache, swelling at her neck and severe pain in her private parts.”

In a similar situation, a mosque leader sent men to rape three female relatives of a church pastor in western Uganda because the imam’s wife put her faith in Christ.


What he did was that he sent a Muslim to the church’s worship services in order to gather information for a future attack. He also sent a threatening message to the pastor and two days after, the rape happened.

The Imam’s wife in question said;

“When my husband interrogated me about being a Christian, I refused to answer him,” Mbambu told Morning Star News. “Soon a Christian neighbour told me that my husband was out to kill me, hence I should escape with my children. That particular day in the evening hours, I escaped with my five children. I am thankful that the church received us.”

It is disheartening the extreme way Africans take religion.

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