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Black Skinned Man Slowly Turning White; Wife Gets Scared And Abandons Him (Video)

When life hits you with strange and unforeseen circumstances, how do you handle them? It is an undeniable fact that life is full of unwelcome surprises. In this article, we bring to you a story of a man who was born black skinned but suddenly turning slowly into white man; for this reason his wife divorces him. Man narrates how it' s all began

It all happened oneday when he was going home, suddenly he realized that cloud has formed above him; there came a bright and loud blast of lightning which strucked him and burned his skin severely.

Right after, skin spots appeared on all over his whole body which kept growing uncontrollably. Day in and out his body kept on peeling off and there is nothing else he is able to do. His wife abandoned him after she saw what has happened and complained of being scared of him now.

It was a clear indication that, he was strucked by thunder. Of every 10 people struck, nine will survive. Most people can' t survive such situation but God being so good to him, he did! However, his dream of becoming the best Stricker in the world since he had keen interest in football was all lost after his encounter with that disaster. Till date, he hasn' t been able to visit the hospital due to financial difficulties but promised to see the Doctor as soon as help comes.

Below were some of the comments from social media after they read the news

Frederick_Aquah567 reacted: " See women, so u are now scared of him abi? you people will never change. "

Anabesta456 also said " we thank God you survived "

Seth_MensahApau also added " You will be healed"

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