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Abomination! ! ! Meet The First Man Who Got Pregnant And Gave Birth To Children

Wonder shall never end as people would say, today we would be looking at the first man to get pregnant and give birth to a child.

Thomas Trace Beatie is an American Author, public speaker and an advocate of transgender and sexuality issues, he was born on the 20th of January 1974 at Honolulu, Hawaii.

According to history, Beatie had made a great name and title as he is regarded as a Trans- man in 1997, in 2002, Beatie had a gender reassignment surgery which gave him the opportunity to become pregnant.

Although, the reason for Beatie becoming pregnant was due to the inability of his wife to have a baby as she was infertile.

According to the couple history, Beatie had since given birth to four children, meanwhile, hell broke loosed when the couple filed for divorce in the year 2012.

Beatie had made a great history around the world as he appears to be the first man to have ever given birth to children.

Beatie who grew up in Honolulu, Hawaii, was the first son two children, his mother was from San Francisco, he graduated with a Bachelor' s degree at health Science at Hawaii University, he was also involved a fighting competition in Taekwondo and became a black belt and tournament champion.

In February 5th 2003 Beatie got married to Nancy Gillespie in Hawaii before moving to Bend, Oregon, in 2005.

Although, most persons would think Beatie was crazy for his actions as no one would make such decisions as his, naturally, women and meant to be the bearer of children while the men are the care taker who protect, love and care for his family.

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